The following code produces an unexpected error:
#local A = 1;
#local B = function (A) { A }
The error is:
#local B = function (A <----ERROR
Parse Error: Expected 'parameter identifier', float function
'float identifier' found instead
Obviously, it is not allowed to use a function parameter with the same
name as a previously declared identifier. The documentation does not
mention this (Or I'm too blind to find it *g*).
Is there a reason for this behaviour?
I came across this error when trying something like this:
#local A = 1;
#include "math.inc"
Fails due to
#declare atan2d = function (A, B) {degrees(atan2(A, B))}
in math.inc. With the current behaviour, I cannot use V, A, B, N, Mn,
Mx, OMn and OMx as identifier names before including math.inc, because
they are function parameters of functions declared in math.inc :(
If the current behaviour is really necessary (and I doubt it is), I
suggest using names like mathinc_V, mathinc_A, etc. for this purpose
(And yes, I know that this is an ugly way to do it *g*)...
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